Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 26, 2017


I got up at 7 to get ready to take Joe to his doctor appointment. I woke Tommy up just before 8 for school and then borrowed Kurt's car and picked up Joe. It took us about an hour to get there. On the way home the car in front of us was doing the speed limit but the truck behind us didn't like it. He passed me, cut in, and then ran the car in front of me off the road. I wish Joe was quicker and would have taken a pic of him a we could try to read his license plate. It was a big white truck with big mirrors sticking out the side, and he had a "check twice for motorcycles" sticker right in the middle of his tailgate. After that Joe and I stopped for breakfast at the Galley Grill. It was a beautiful, sunny day.

When we got home I did school with Charlie. We sat downstairs on the hammock chairs for an hour and a half reading. We had finished Robinson Crusoe and started the further adventures. We are also reading Kidnapped, Abigail Adams, George Washington's World, This Country of Ours, The Story of Science, The Book of Inventions, and a book of Myths and Fables. I think reading is  our favorite part of school. He enjoys his art class too. I'd like to put some of his art work on here, if we could get the photo thing to work.

Tom worked at Kim's house today, putting in a new hot water heater.

Later, the boys went to youth group and I practiced fiddle. Then Mikki called and she picked me up and we went to Kiki's Sandbar for supper with Deb. I've been going out quite a bit lately but Deb will be going home soon and Mikki and I won't go out as much as we do when Deb is here. 

When I got home from that I did a Spanish class. They are 1 1/2 hours long. It was close to 11 when I finished. I was kind of bummed because I still had dishes to do, and I needed to pull all the meat off the turkey that I cooked in the roaster pan earlier. Did both of those and went to bed.

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