Saturday, January 28, 2017

January 28, 2017


This morning Tom wanted me to go with him, Joe, and Tommy to the health fair here on Big Pine so I went. Joe and Tommy had their eyes checked. Tom saw a dermatologist about some dry spots on his head and arms that never go away. 

When we got home I ate breakfast and did a Spanish lesson. I finally took down the Christmas tree and put the Christmas decorations away. I till have too much stuff and have to get rid of stuff. There is pretty much no storage in this house. The Christmas ornaments go under my bed. No basement. No attic. No garage. It will definitely keep us from collecting too much junk.

I did laundry and folded laundry for the rest of the day. We had leftovers turkey, gravy, seeet potatoes, and salad for supper. The older boys played at Sunset Pier. I was going to go out with a friend but she had car trouble. Bobby stopped in and he, Charlie, and I watched a few episodes of Alaskan State Trooper, or something like that, and I knitted on my sweater. I'm on the second sleeve and getting close to finishing. I would love to get it done tomorrow. We have a cold spell right now. The nighttime low for the next few days is in the 60s. I folded more laundry and did dishes and cleared almost all of the kitchen table. 

Ben and Ed are leaving for Nashville in the morning. 

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