Monday, December 12, 2016

December 13, 2016


We are too busy. I am too busy. This week was crazy.  Doug Yeomans was with us this week helping us out because Ed and Ben were in Nashville. 

My dad passed away this week. He is with Jesus. Anita's words, "Forever happy hour." I am sad that I won't be picking berries (or Japanese beetles) with him in the summertime anymore, but it's ok. I know he loved me and he knows I loved him. I wish he could have been here longer, but it's ok. Right now Tom and I are driving to Lauderdale to fly to Buffalo for the week. The kids are staying home. They have gigs and one more week of school until Christmas vacation. 

We were back to our old car troubles this week. On Wednesday I was at Kim's and when we went to leave for church my truck wouldn't start, and I was blocking  her car from leaving. That was a big pain. Tom got it home the next morning and thought he fixed it but when I went to go out the next day, same thing, it wouldn't start. Tom had it towed to the shop. Friday I brought it home from the shop and we took it to our gig. At around 10 at night a trolley driver said she couldn't get past it. All the other trolley drivers got past it. It was a tight squeeze though. So Tom went to move it and it wouldn't start. They had to push it down the street and call a tow truck again. Then, during the gig, Tom got a ride home from our neighbor who was at the show and he drove the GMC back to Key West in order to get the band and trailer home when they were done. 

Also, TJ and I rode to the gig a little later than the band with Mikki and Randy. When we were halfway there Joe called TJ with news that they had forgotten the in-ears and they were in TJ's van. So we turned around. Just after that, I got a notification on my phone, that there was an accident blocking both lanes of traffic just before TJ's house. We did not want to get stuck in traffic. Tommy and Garrett were at the movie night at church, so I had Garrett ride his bike to TJ's, get the in-ears, and then ride through all the chaos and meet us on the other side at the Shell Station. It all worked out, and then we had the trouble with the truck later. 

Tom worked at home this week. He and Garrett screened in the downstairs and then put in a sliding glass door. It's starting to look nice down there and give us some more space.