Saturday, December 3, 2016

December 3, 2016



I have a little bit of a cold and slept horribly last night. So this morning I went downstairs and sat in the hammock chair and read for quite a while. Kim texted that she and the kids were going to stop in  so I cleared of the kitchen table and tried to pick up a little.  Yesterday a neighbor gave me a turkey so I made some stuffing, stuffed the turkey, and set it to cooking in the roaster pan. Charlie and I went to Kim's and I threaded more heddles on the loom. One more day threading and that part will be done. 

After that we stopped at Winn Dixie and picked up a few things. Then I worked on supper for quite a while and made a big mess. I went ahead and ate. Tom and Ben were downstairs working on installing a sliding glass door. Joe was there too and Charlie ran upstairs while I was doing dishes to say that Joe was having a seizure. 

A few of the boys went to play hockey. Joe stayed with me and fell asleep on the couch. I did a Spanish lesson and the boys came back from hockey.

 Tom watched hockey on TV and Ben, Ed, Tommy, and Charlie played Risk. I put the leftovers away and did dishes again. 

Tom sent the boys to the church after midnight to move the Saturn, which is broke down in the church parking lot, so it's not in the way for church tomorrow.  I told them to go see Bob on their way home. 

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