Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016


I woke up nice and early and woke Tommy up to work at church. I had lots of time to read too, before we had to leave for church. The Denali wouldn't start so we had to take the GMC.

Tom's sister, Becky,  and Dan got here yesterday. After church they went to the flea market. I tried to put stuff away in my room. It is very cluttered. Ed rearranged the living room while I was in NY. The room looks great, but he moved stuff into my room, which is already a small room. I can hardly walk in here now. My quilt frame was taken apart and its pieces are laying on the floor at the foot of my bed. It's a mess. 

Yesterday, Charlie was disappointed because he missed the church baptism at the beach so I took him to Deb's house to swim. We weren't there long when TJ called and needed a babysitter, so I had him bring the kids to our house. We met him there and then Callie and Violet helped me put the decorations on the tree. 

Back to today...Tom drove the band to Schooner Wharf. I rode with Mikki and Deb. Ed had me take his van to church so Meghan could drive it down to Schooner when they got into town. 

It was a fun night but I am so tired and there is so much to do this week. I'm going to open up my calendar book in the morning and try to see what needs to be done. 


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