Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29, 2017


When we got to John's house last night Charlie had some homework to finish. It was calligraphy for his art class. All he had to do was to copy the alphabet, upper and lower case. He acted like he was 7 years old, crying and complaining the whole time. 

John lives in a condo on the water. It's so peaceful. With the breeze and the sounds of the water I could sit on his porch all day. We went out for breakfast, then John dropped off charlie and I at his place and Tom went with John to help him move some tools from his shop into storage. Meanwhile, Charlie did an online class and I sat on the porch knitting. I finished Angelica's sweater while we drove yesterday. 

We drove five hours home. Made it to Big Pine at five o'clock. We went to church for supper and Bible study. Jonathan came over and he and the boys got Chinese. I went through the mail and unpacked my stuff before going to bed.  

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November 28, 2017


On Sunday we watched church on our phones and then went to the boys' house. I brought food and made us all chili. I helped the boys pack a little while Tom and Bobby went to pick up the Uhaul truck. When they got back Tom took me back to TJ's house to babysit. TJ  went to work and Angelica went to a jam. Tom rode with TJ, who dropped him off somewhere and the boys picked him up so he could help load the Uhaul. 

Monday we went to their new house for an orientation and then went to the old house to finish loading a few things and to load the baby grand piano into the black trailer. Then we all headed to the new place. Ed and Kurt were driving Emma's car. While they were in some great conversation they started following the wrong truck. Bob was following them. So we got to the house and were wondering where they were. Ed said the truck they were following turned into a warehouse and they thought, "What's Dad doing here?" Then they realized what they had done. Luckily they hadn't gone too far out of the way. 

We cleaned and unloaded. Unpacked some stuff. Tom and Bob took the truck back. The boys put beds together. The Xfinity guy came and hooked up the internet. Tom and I went and picked up Jets pizza. Angelica brought the kids over to eat with us and check out the new house. Tom and I rode home with Angelica. The kids took baths and went to bed. 


Today was supposed to be Jake and Callie's first day of school but they both woke up with sore throats so they didn't go. Tom and I loaded up the minivan, gave goodbye hugs, and headed to the boy's house, which is just 2 1/2 miles from TJ's. We had to pick up Charlie and return their house key. We said goodbye to Ed and started heading south.

We left at 8 am and we have about 2 hours to go. We should arrive at Tom's friend, John's, at 10 PM where we will spend the night. :0) Very happy about that. When we get there Charlie has to do homework. Tomorrow we have about a 4 1/2 to 5 hour drive home. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 25, 2017


This morning we hung out with the grandkids. I took a walk but didn't go too far because I didn't want to meet up with any dogs that weren't chained or behind a fence. Tom, Jake, and I went out for groceries and a car part. When we got home I sat outside knitting while Hazel played and Tom fixed the minivan. It was leaking transmission fluid. He also washed the van and played hockey with Jake in the garage. 

I made burritos for supper. TJ and Angelica had a gig. They practiced with some friends that joined them before they left. Violet and Hazel were sleeping but Violet woke up and woke Hazel up too. Jake was still up too when TJ and Angelica got home. Now Violet is having a hard time going back to sleep. 

The boys were supposed to start packing today. Tom rented a Uhaul for tomorrow so tomorrow we will go over and help them pack it. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

November 21, 2017


We slept at John's. It was luxurious to sleep in a bed and not the car. We also got to sit out on the balcony in the morning and watch the rain on the water. I even saw a rainbow. When we left we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Then drove all day to Murfreesboro, TN. We dropped Charlie off at the boys' house a little after midnight, then went to TJ's about 1 AM. It's 32 degrees here. I'm in bed and my feet are just starting to warm up. I forgot to bring my alpaca socks that I knitted.  :0)

Monday, November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017


This morning I took care of paperwork and a few bills. Garrett had a ticket that he didn't take care of properly so I helped him out with that. I did math with Charlie. I was going to do math with Tommy but he took too long. 

I packed for myself and Charlie and packed a small cooler. Tom took Charlie to swimming and I put a few things in the car. When Tom got back he had decided that we would take the minivan, so I moved the stuff. Garrett stopped in for a few minutes.

 We left at 7 headed for Fort Pierce. It's about a 5 hour drive. We are staying at Tom's friend, John's house. Tomorrow we will finish the drive to Murfreesboro where we will stay for a week with the boys. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

November 16, 2017


We did school. I felt very blah for the first half of the day, slow and lethargic, but eventually came out of it. Tom took Charlie to swimming and needed me to go with him so I could drive the "new" minivan home. I keep telling myself to be thankful but it's another old car. It's a 2004 with 67,000 miles. Something is better than nothing. A car is better than no car. 

On the way home we stopped at Kim's and gave Doug his truck back. He's been riding his bike to work and letting us use his truck for almost two weeks. Kim fed us supper and we went home. I corrected Charlie's math, did an algebra lesson, did the dishes, and went to bed. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November 15, 2017


A few good things happened today. I washed the kitchen and living room floors.  tutored. I got to go out to lunch with Deb. Tom finally got his roof permit.

I went to a meeting at Artists in Paradise and then to church. We came home, Charlie finished his art homework, and we ate apple pie.

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017


This morning I got the boys set up for their online classes and went walking. I took a different route so I could see more damage from the storm. I picked up over 30 nails in the street. 

After I showered I lost all my get up and go. I had to force myself to do math with Charlie. Then we went downstairs and sat outside while we read The Knights of the Round Table. Then Charlie had his art class and I started an algebra lesson. I made us all sandwiches for lunch. Then Tom wanted me to go with him to drop Charlie off at swimming and then we went to a look at a minivan. Tom bought it and will get it on Thursday. It's a 2004. 

Next we stopped at Home Depot. Then back to pick Charlie up from swimming. We stopped at Winn Dixie and picked up some frozen pizzas for supper. I was going to make a salad to go with it but didn't do it.  Kim, Doug, and the kids were here hanging out with Tommy when we got home. Kim did the dishes for me. :0) Thanks Kim!!

I've decided to move Tommy into the room with Charlie. My new vacuum cleaner came today so maybe tomorrow I can start tackling the bedrooms. 

I talked with Ed quite a bit today. They are looking for a new house to rent. I also tried to arrange a pick up for some furniture for TJ but it looks like it will have to wait till tomorrow. 

I did more math before I was too tired and went to bed.