Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29, 2017


When we got to John's house last night Charlie had some homework to finish. It was calligraphy for his art class. All he had to do was to copy the alphabet, upper and lower case. He acted like he was 7 years old, crying and complaining the whole time. 

John lives in a condo on the water. It's so peaceful. With the breeze and the sounds of the water I could sit on his porch all day. We went out for breakfast, then John dropped off charlie and I at his place and Tom went with John to help him move some tools from his shop into storage. Meanwhile, Charlie did an online class and I sat on the porch knitting. I finished Angelica's sweater while we drove yesterday. 

We drove five hours home. Made it to Big Pine at five o'clock. We went to church for supper and Bible study. Jonathan came over and he and the boys got Chinese. I went through the mail and unpacked my stuff before going to bed.  

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