Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017


This morning I got the boys set up for their online classes and went walking. I took a different route so I could see more damage from the storm. I picked up over 30 nails in the street. 

After I showered I lost all my get up and go. I had to force myself to do math with Charlie. Then we went downstairs and sat outside while we read The Knights of the Round Table. Then Charlie had his art class and I started an algebra lesson. I made us all sandwiches for lunch. Then Tom wanted me to go with him to drop Charlie off at swimming and then we went to a look at a minivan. Tom bought it and will get it on Thursday. It's a 2004. 

Next we stopped at Home Depot. Then back to pick Charlie up from swimming. We stopped at Winn Dixie and picked up some frozen pizzas for supper. I was going to make a salad to go with it but didn't do it.  Kim, Doug, and the kids were here hanging out with Tommy when we got home. Kim did the dishes for me. :0) Thanks Kim!!

I've decided to move Tommy into the room with Charlie. My new vacuum cleaner came today so maybe tomorrow I can start tackling the bedrooms. 

I talked with Ed quite a bit today. They are looking for a new house to rent. I also tried to arrange a pick up for some furniture for TJ but it looks like it will have to wait till tomorrow. 

I did more math before I was too tired and went to bed. 

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