Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 25, 2017


This morning we hung out with the grandkids. I took a walk but didn't go too far because I didn't want to meet up with any dogs that weren't chained or behind a fence. Tom, Jake, and I went out for groceries and a car part. When we got home I sat outside knitting while Hazel played and Tom fixed the minivan. It was leaking transmission fluid. He also washed the van and played hockey with Jake in the garage. 

I made burritos for supper. TJ and Angelica had a gig. They practiced with some friends that joined them before they left. Violet and Hazel were sleeping but Violet woke up and woke Hazel up too. Jake was still up too when TJ and Angelica got home. Now Violet is having a hard time going back to sleep. 

The boys were supposed to start packing today. Tom rented a Uhaul for tomorrow so tomorrow we will go over and help them pack it. 

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