Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 29, 2013


I got up at 8 and got ready to go to Blue Heaven. I woke up Garrett and made him go downstairs to watch Jake and Callie, and then left with TJ, Ang, Ed, and Nina. We left at 8:30 and arrived at 9:20.

I enjoy my time at Blue Heaven. I have some alone time and get to knit or crochet. The gig is outdoors so I love that. And I love the chickens and cats that roam around, the water tower, the flowers, the artwork, the colored tables and stools.

Rob came a little after 11 and bought me breakfast for mending those jeans. The staff at Blue Heaven is always so kind to me. :0)

After Rob left I walked a few blocks to Kilwin's and bought some chocolates for the kids for Easter. I'm trying to downsize and not spend as much as last year. Also, they don't need to eat so much junk.

When we got home Nina and I went to Salvation Army to check if the bed we were waiting for was there, but they were closed since it was Good Friday. Also, Tom was putting the new trailer hitch on the new van.

The band left for the gig at The Hurricane. I watched Callie and Jake for a while because Ang hasn't felt well for 5 days. She thinks she has food poisoning. I started smocking the crab dress for Callie. I haven't had much luck with picture smocking in the past but I'm going to try it again. Jake ate some strawberries and Ang came up and fed Callie some broccoli soup.

I woke up Nina and drove the remaining people to the gig at 8:30 PM. Jim Stoneman was there. It is always good to see him. At 11 I brought the non band members home, including Bob, Shannon, Aaron, Tommy, and Charlie. Garrett had stayed home for his job at church.

Once home, I had to crack the whip to get them in bed. Aaron always drags out going to bed. Grrrrr

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