Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 30, 2013


I did my devos in my queen's chair, and then since it was so beautiful outside, I took my book I'm reading and sat outside in my hammock chair to read. After I ate my oatmeal, I joined Tom in the hot tub. I've hardly seen or talked to him all week. Unfortunately, he had a business call while we were in the hot tub, and then we talked more business, band and household business. Not what I had in mind. Oh well.

After feeding a few people breakfast, I roamed the house knowing there was lots to do, but I could t remember what I was going to do. I folded laundry.

TJ brought Jake and Callie up. They were getting ready to go to Angelica's gig at the yacht club in Marathon. Nina went with them to play bass. I kicked kids off video games a few times and made them go outside. I did some smocking and made a salad. I had salad and broccoli soup again for lunch.

After Callie got up from her nap, I took the kids to the park. Tommy helped Jake on his bike, I pushed Callie in the stroller, and Charlie rode his bike. Bobby and shannon came too. We brought Charlie's new roller skates so he could practice when we got there.

There were three little girls, about 8 years old, fighting at the playground, so we didn't last long there. We started walking around the park, to where Tommy and Aaron were playing tennis.

One of the kids friends got there with his dad. They were practicing batting. Charlie loves baseball so he joined in, as did Tommy. Then poor Jake got upset because he wanted the ball. So Tommy and I brought Jake and Callie back home, while Bob and Shannon stayed and watched Charlie a little longer.

When we got home, Tom was home from work and Grandpa Bob and Helen were in the driveway. I took the kids upstairs and fed them supper, broccoli soup and oranges. The band was still getting ready to leave for their gig at the Hurricane. They finally left.

An hour went by and Angelica came home. I decided to not go to the Hurricane, but ordered pizza and lasagna instead. I went to Wal-Greens to pick up last minute Easter goodies and then went to PizzaWorks to pick up the food.

The food wasn't very good. I was just tired of soup and salad and had no energy for cooking. I went to my room and folded laundry while listening to the book "1776." The boys watched a movie.

I made them go to bed. That took forever. They came out so many times. They even tried to sneak my bedroom door closed so I wouldn't notice their mischief.

After putting the laundry away, (10:30 PMish), I spun on my spinning wheel for a while. Then I cleaned half my bathroom and washed the floor.

I think we will have to do Easter after church tomorrow. I've got nothing left.

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