Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31, 2013


Garrett and kurt were the first ones up. They had to be at work at church at 7:30.

I showered and woke up the troops. Ed, Nina, Aaron, and Tommy went to the 9:30 service. Joe, Naomi, and I walked to church, to the 11 o'clock service. Charlie rode with TJ and Ang. Tom drove the van and trailer over for our concert after the service.

I ate breakfast at church, something I don't normally do. TJ, Nina, Naomi, and Aaron left for their gig at Sunset Pier.

The church served lunch after the service and we set up started our concert. Jake and Callie were so cute. Callie's fiddle, which was Charlie's old fiddle, has been a bit broken, but today she threw it and it was now in two pieces. Sahara and Brenden drove back to our house and got Callie's piano. She and Jake almost stole the show.

After church, I spun at my spinning wheel. Kurt went to Liza's. Ben to Sahara's. The smaller boys watched a movie.

Tom and I went on a date and went to the 6:30 service at church. Once we were back home, the boys went to the park to play roller hockey. Rob came up too to play.

And me? The living room and kitchen were trashed. I loaded the dishwasher, started water boiling for pasta, chopped onions, red peppers, and broccoli. I made cookie dough and cleaned off counters. I had Garrett pick up the living room. He had a hard time concentrating on that since the TV was on. Our TV is hardly ever on, except for hockey games. He did a lousy job. I also got the Easter goodies together so we could actually have our Easter, since we were almost all at home. We were missing Kurt and Bobby.

Everyone ate and then Tommy, Charlie, Jake, and Callie looked for their baskets. I felt a little bad because Ian and Ariel were over too and I didn't have baskets for them. But Naomi had hidden plastic eggs for them to find. I put the chocolate treats that I bought from Kilwin's in a bowl on the counter and had everyone pick out one thing.

The boys watched hockey. Everyone ate cookies. I did the dishes while Tom and Rob went in the hot tub. Then I finished plying my yarn, soaked it in the sink, hung it outside to dry, and got ready for bed.

It's 12:55 AM and they are finally all in bed. Now it's my turn.

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