Friday, July 14, 2017

July 12, 2017


This morning Tom took me to my appointment with the Ophthemologist. It was at 8:15 am. I was thinking how neat it would be to have a woman doctor and it was. :0) She thinks it's an allergy that is bothering my eyes. I got a different prescription and have to go back in a week. 

Afterwards we went to Tim Hortons and then Tom dropped me of at JoAnne Fabrics, which was across the parking lot from Home Depot, and he went to Home Depot. He has been working on a hot tub. They should put a Joanns next to every Home Depot and everyone would be a lot happier. It started raining and then poured the whole time I was in the store. There ended up being some serious flooding around western New York. Anyways, it was so fun to go in there because I never get to go. 

We came home and I wrapped some presents for Rose's birthday party. I picked raspberries and beetles.  Mom made lasagna and an Italian Love Cake. Then she took my brother to a job interview near the airport. 

Darryl and Carol came up with the kids and we ate and had the birthday party. The kids swam even though the water was cold. I did dishes. It was a fun night. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

July 11, 2017


Tom took me out for breakfast in the town where we bought our first house this morning. It was our 31st anniversary. The bill was $18. It would have cost that much for 1 person in the Keys.  And Tom forgot $ so I had to pay. :0) Then we took a country drive on some of my favorite country roads. We drove by our first house and our second house. 

We got back to my mom's at noon and I picked raspberries and Japanese Beatles. I took a quick swim in the 73 degree pool (brrrr) and then we went to Anita's house. Rob Santagate met us there on his way to Michigan. We visited a little with TJ's family and then went out for Beef on Weck. Yum!!! 

When we got home Darryl and Carol were over with their family. I picked more raspberries and we watched a little TV. We ate raspberry pie and went to bed. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

July 2, 2017


Tom, Charlie, and I went to Big Tree Wesleyan Church. Tj and his family went too. Afterwards we went to a Greek restaurant. Western NY has the best food!! Then we drove out to Evangola State Park for Tom's family reunion. There were a lot of people there and Tom got to visit with many of his cousins from across the country. Most of the time I just sat in the shelter with my sunglasses on. I played a little frisbee with Charlie.

The band had a gig at Shores Restaurant and we were going to meet them there, but we never made it. Tom was having too much fun with his cousins. Callie had stayed with us and at the end of the night we had to take her to Tom's sister Anita's house. We visited there for a couple hours and then went home to my mom's pretty late. It was a bad day for my eyes. I was pretty miserable. 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

June 30, 2017


This morning I planned to finish packing and we planned on leaving for Buffalo at 10, but I woke up with pink eye. So I went to the doctor's and then Walgreens. We left at 11 AM. Tom drove and drove, and then drove some more, all the way to 26 in South Carolina. We drove through some intense downpours and lightning. Not fun. There were a few accidents and some stop and go traffic on 95. 

I drove on 26 till about a 1/2 hour south of Charlotte, NC. I was pretty stressed. Everybody passed me. :0) I drove 55-65 mph. I'm not sure how long I drove because I forgot to look at my watch. But at 1:30 AM I saw my chance to switch drivers, a rest area, and took it. 

It's 5 AM. We are hoping to meet up with the band south of Pittsburg where they are staying after their gig last night. Maybe have breakfast with them. The sky is starting to light up in the east.