Saturday, July 1, 2017

June 30, 2017


This morning I planned to finish packing and we planned on leaving for Buffalo at 10, but I woke up with pink eye. So I went to the doctor's and then Walgreens. We left at 11 AM. Tom drove and drove, and then drove some more, all the way to 26 in South Carolina. We drove through some intense downpours and lightning. Not fun. There were a few accidents and some stop and go traffic on 95. 

I drove on 26 till about a 1/2 hour south of Charlotte, NC. I was pretty stressed. Everybody passed me. :0) I drove 55-65 mph. I'm not sure how long I drove because I forgot to look at my watch. But at 1:30 AM I saw my chance to switch drivers, a rest area, and took it. 

It's 5 AM. We are hoping to meet up with the band south of Pittsburg where they are staying after their gig last night. Maybe have breakfast with them. The sky is starting to light up in the east. 

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