Tuesday, July 11, 2017

July 11, 2017


Tom took me out for breakfast in the town where we bought our first house this morning. It was our 31st anniversary. The bill was $18. It would have cost that much for 1 person in the Keys.  And Tom forgot $ so I had to pay. :0) Then we took a country drive on some of my favorite country roads. We drove by our first house and our second house. 

We got back to my mom's at noon and I picked raspberries and Japanese Beatles. I took a quick swim in the 73 degree pool (brrrr) and then we went to Anita's house. Rob Santagate met us there on his way to Michigan. We visited a little with TJ's family and then went out for Beef on Weck. Yum!!! 

When we got home Darryl and Carol were over with their family. I picked more raspberries and we watched a little TV. We ate raspberry pie and went to bed. 

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