Friday, July 14, 2017

July 12, 2017


This morning Tom took me to my appointment with the Ophthemologist. It was at 8:15 am. I was thinking how neat it would be to have a woman doctor and it was. :0) She thinks it's an allergy that is bothering my eyes. I got a different prescription and have to go back in a week. 

Afterwards we went to Tim Hortons and then Tom dropped me of at JoAnne Fabrics, which was across the parking lot from Home Depot, and he went to Home Depot. He has been working on a hot tub. They should put a Joanns next to every Home Depot and everyone would be a lot happier. It started raining and then poured the whole time I was in the store. There ended up being some serious flooding around western New York. Anyways, it was so fun to go in there because I never get to go. 

We came home and I wrapped some presents for Rose's birthday party. I picked raspberries and beetles.  Mom made lasagna and an Italian Love Cake. Then she took my brother to a job interview near the airport. 

Darryl and Carol came up with the kids and we ate and had the birthday party. The kids swam even though the water was cold. I did dishes. It was a fun night. 

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