Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1, 2017


Yesterday Charlie and I started back with our fiddle lessons. We did math and literature and then I went to work at Artists in Paradise. After that I picked up charlie and dropped him at youth group, then went to Winn Dixie for salad fixings. I went to Kim's, made salad, and we ate. Then I went back to church and picked up Charlie. When I got home I made a salad for Tom and Jonathan. Rob stopped in and watched some hockey with Tom. Charlie, Jonathan, and I made some art designs on paper with shaving cream and food color. I'm using it for tags on the things I make. 

This morning I took some things over to Deb's house that she ordered. I forgot to do it yesterday. We did school all day. Even while I ate my supper I was watching an archive of Charlie's missed art class from Wednesday. I went to the bank and before I made supper I took a short walk. I helped Tommy with homework after supper. Garrett stopped in so we chatted a little bit. 

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