Monday, February 20, 2017


Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 19, 2017


Kathy and Doug got here yesterday for a short visit. This morning we all went to church. When we got home we hung out and Doug went for a bike ride. Kim stopped in for a visit. Later we went to Gieger Key to listen to TJ and eat supper.  Then I finished getting beds ready for Stacey's arrival and did laundry. 

Ed, Kurt, and Clementine are driving down from NY with Grandma Fran. They left this morning. Such a long drive.

Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13, 2017


I went walking and then had breakfast. I set the computer up in my room for Charlie's lesson and he worked on his drawing for his art class. It has lots of shading and he doesn't like doing it. So he had his lesson and then I had mine. Neither one of us practiced much. It's been a hard week. After that he had his art class. When that was over Charlie went with the band and was dropped off at swimming. Then Tom picked him up and took him to Sloppys. 

I went over math with Tommy, then did a Spanish lesson, which takes me about two hours. During that Garrett came over and I went over some of his school work with him. Then Tommy and I went to Walgreens and also picked up a pizza. 

When we got home I finished my Spanish lesson and did the dishes. Then went over another math lesson with Tommy. Pretty soon I'll have to start doing lessons too because I won't remember how to do stuff. I don't know if I'll have time for it but he will do better if I go over all the problems he gets wrong. 


Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10, 2017


This morning I met with Terri again for help with my bookkeeping. On the way there I stopped at WD and asked my favorite cashier about Garrett getting a job there. Things went well with Terri. She is so nice to help me. I feel guilty taking up her time but she reassured me that it's ok. I am so grateful. 

While I was gone Tom was on the phone with Medicaid. More paperwork. Ugh!!! Then I got a letter that I have to fill out about someone getting a credit card in my name. They charged almost $4000. It is all so confusing. All those things, combined with our car struggles and never ending clutter spiraled me into a bad mood/attitude. Then Tommy went to church to work at the movie night and called me because he forgot his key. So I took Charlie over there, dropped him off with the key, and went to Winn Dixie for groceries. 

Poor me, I had to carry all the groceries up the stairs by myself. Then I put it away in three shifts. I did some more bookkeeping and couldn't make myself do much else. The band had gone to Schooner, and I finally had time to get stuff done, and couldn't make myself do anything. I hate it when I feel like this. After I picked up Charlie from the movie I made a frozen pizza and some cookies. Tommy liked that. Then I checked Tommy's science report before he handed it in and proctored his Algebra test. Then we went over problems that he got wrong on his homework. I moved the laundry along and did the dishes about midnight. Went to bed about 1.

(p.s. My plan for tomorrow morning is the beach-time to run away).

Sunday, February 5, 2017

February 4, 2017


Charlie and I went to Bahia Honda with Grandpa Bob. At first we couldn't find the pass that Gr. Bob just bought. Then the car wouldn't start so we switched to Kurt's car. The beach was much bigger and all the seaweed was gone. The last storm must have done it. 

Charlie and I were ready to come home at two o'clock but Bob wanted to stay so we left him there and Tom picked him up later, before they left for their gig. Tommy and I stopped at Winn Dixie and I got ingredients to make chili for the cook-off at church. The band went to a gig in Key West and I made chili. Then Bob, Helen, Charlie, and I went to church. Tj, Ang, Kim, Doug, and Tommy played bluegrass during the cook-off and while people ate. There was a great turnout. 

We came home and I did bookkeeping for a long time. I wish I had practiced fiddle. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 3, 2017


I got up and was trying to leave at 10:30 to see my favorite accountant's secretary, but things kept slowing me down. I went to see her about two weeks ago and she gave me some things to do, but when I got home and tried to do stuff, I got stuck every way I turned. So I quit for a week and said to myself that I'm not doing this anymore. The band can find someone else. After a week,  though, I decided to give it another try. I asked Terri if I could come see her, maybe every Friday, and just work there so that every time I got stuck she could help me. She said yes! So today I went. She helped me so much. I worked there till a little after 2 and went home. I stopped at Walgreens and then got a sub and ate it in the car. 

My to-do list was a mile long but I don't think I got much done. I wanted to get some schoolwork done but only got to go over Tommy's wrong math problems.  I made a vegetable lasagna for supper and we ate late. I cleaned up and can't remember much after that, except that I was up till about 1 AM. Oh, after supper and clean-up I went to Kim's for help weaving in my ends on my sweater. I had one spot where I didn't like how it looked.  She fixed it. All the knitting is done. Yay!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February 1, 2017


I slept in a little today, till 8. After my devos and breakfast I started cleaning for the arrival of Grandpa Bob and Helen. Tommy and Garrett are moving into the camper so Bob and Helen can stay in their room. Garrett helped for a little while and then had other commitments and Tommy had school till 2:30. We had to take down the bunk beds, change the bedding, and clean the room.

I also cleaned off the porch, which meant repotting a Bougainville and moving some pineapple plants downstairs. Tom came home with Helen and Bob and I realized I hadn't cleaned the bathroom yet so I did that next. I was counting on Garrett's help but that's the way the cookie crumbles. 

We went to church for supper and Bible study, came home, and then I took Tommy and Charlie to WD for groceries. Came back home, put them away, and remembered Charlie had a drawing he needed to finish for his art class and hand in, so he did that and we handed it in. Garrett did dishes, Tommy did homework, Tom watched hockey, and I went to bed, and this little piggy cried wee, wee, wee all the way home.