Sunday, February 5, 2017

February 4, 2017


Charlie and I went to Bahia Honda with Grandpa Bob. At first we couldn't find the pass that Gr. Bob just bought. Then the car wouldn't start so we switched to Kurt's car. The beach was much bigger and all the seaweed was gone. The last storm must have done it. 

Charlie and I were ready to come home at two o'clock but Bob wanted to stay so we left him there and Tom picked him up later, before they left for their gig. Tommy and I stopped at Winn Dixie and I got ingredients to make chili for the cook-off at church. The band went to a gig in Key West and I made chili. Then Bob, Helen, Charlie, and I went to church. Tj, Ang, Kim, Doug, and Tommy played bluegrass during the cook-off and while people ate. There was a great turnout. 

We came home and I did bookkeeping for a long time. I wish I had practiced fiddle. 

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