Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 3, 2017


I got up and was trying to leave at 10:30 to see my favorite accountant's secretary, but things kept slowing me down. I went to see her about two weeks ago and she gave me some things to do, but when I got home and tried to do stuff, I got stuck every way I turned. So I quit for a week and said to myself that I'm not doing this anymore. The band can find someone else. After a week,  though, I decided to give it another try. I asked Terri if I could come see her, maybe every Friday, and just work there so that every time I got stuck she could help me. She said yes! So today I went. She helped me so much. I worked there till a little after 2 and went home. I stopped at Walgreens and then got a sub and ate it in the car. 

My to-do list was a mile long but I don't think I got much done. I wanted to get some schoolwork done but only got to go over Tommy's wrong math problems.  I made a vegetable lasagna for supper and we ate late. I cleaned up and can't remember much after that, except that I was up till about 1 AM. Oh, after supper and clean-up I went to Kim's for help weaving in my ends on my sweater. I had one spot where I didn't like how it looked.  She fixed it. All the knitting is done. Yay!!

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