Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10, 2017


This morning I met with Terri again for help with my bookkeeping. On the way there I stopped at WD and asked my favorite cashier about Garrett getting a job there. Things went well with Terri. She is so nice to help me. I feel guilty taking up her time but she reassured me that it's ok. I am so grateful. 

While I was gone Tom was on the phone with Medicaid. More paperwork. Ugh!!! Then I got a letter that I have to fill out about someone getting a credit card in my name. They charged almost $4000. It is all so confusing. All those things, combined with our car struggles and never ending clutter spiraled me into a bad mood/attitude. Then Tommy went to church to work at the movie night and called me because he forgot his key. So I took Charlie over there, dropped him off with the key, and went to Winn Dixie for groceries. 

Poor me, I had to carry all the groceries up the stairs by myself. Then I put it away in three shifts. I did some more bookkeeping and couldn't make myself do much else. The band had gone to Schooner, and I finally had time to get stuff done, and couldn't make myself do anything. I hate it when I feel like this. After I picked up Charlie from the movie I made a frozen pizza and some cookies. Tommy liked that. Then I checked Tommy's science report before he handed it in and proctored his Algebra test. Then we went over problems that he got wrong on his homework. I moved the laundry along and did the dishes about midnight. Went to bed about 1.

(p.s. My plan for tomorrow morning is the beach-time to run away).

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