Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13, 2017


I went walking and then had breakfast. I set the computer up in my room for Charlie's lesson and he worked on his drawing for his art class. It has lots of shading and he doesn't like doing it. So he had his lesson and then I had mine. Neither one of us practiced much. It's been a hard week. After that he had his art class. When that was over Charlie went with the band and was dropped off at swimming. Then Tom picked him up and took him to Sloppys. 

I went over math with Tommy, then did a Spanish lesson, which takes me about two hours. During that Garrett came over and I went over some of his school work with him. Then Tommy and I went to Walgreens and also picked up a pizza. 

When we got home I finished my Spanish lesson and did the dishes. Then went over another math lesson with Tommy. Pretty soon I'll have to start doing lessons too because I won't remember how to do stuff. I don't know if I'll have time for it but he will do better if I go over all the problems he gets wrong. 


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