Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21, 2017


I picked up Joe this morning so he could go on an adventure with Tom and some of the other boys. They took the trailer and went to pick up a baby grand piano that some very kind people gave to us. That kept them busy for most of the day, and then they went to Schooner Wharf. While they were doing that, Clementine, Kurt, and his guests went to the beach, and I went to TJ's to help them move out of the house and into their RV. Things went well and after a few hours I brought the 3 older kids to my house so TJ and Angelica could keep working. I practiced fiddle with Charlie and we did some schoolwork. 

Oh, Tommy also went to a music workshop at church from about 11-2. 

I finished my algebra lesson and listened to a lecture. Then I corrected Tommy's algebra and we went over the mistakes. I did laundry and dishes and watered the plants downstairs. I read to Charlie and went to bed.

Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20, 2017


I went walking this morning. Charlie and I had fiddle lessons and then Charlie had his art class. Ed and Ben helped get the house ready for guests from NY. Tom and Garrett went to TJ's house to help them. They are moving out of the house they rent into their RV. 

The band went to Sloppy's. I made Charlie do his art homework, made a salad, and did the dishes. Then Mikki picked Charlie and I up and we went to dinner at Deb's. 

When we got home Charlie had to finish his drawing and I handed it in. I did half an algebra lesson and corrected Tommy's. I hoped to go over it with him but it was too late and I was too tired. We will have to do it tomorrow. 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017


I woke up to Tommy's alarm from the other side of the house that wakes up only me, so I got up and woke him up for work at church. He needs some kind of mallet that hits him on the head when the alarm goes off.

So I had my alone time this morning and then woke up everyone else for church. We picked up Joe on our way. After church I wound 3 bobbins in Kim's studio for the next time I get to weave at her house. We came home, Tom took charlie to a friend's house and I got ready to go to the beach with Grandpa Bob and Helen. They picked me up and off we went. It was a beautiful day. Lots of people at the beach but not many people in the water. The water temp is in the 70's. Brrrr.  Came home and scrambled to get ready for church. I showered and was ready in 10 minutes. 

We went to church for our graduation ceremony. Tom, Tj, Ed, Joe, Ben, and I graduated with our Associates degree in Biblical studies, along with 17 others. Woo hoo!!! We had supper at church. The boys went to the park to play hockey. Tommy went with me to pick up charlie from his friend's. Then I listened to another lecture before going to bed. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

March 17, 2017


I started my day with an errand to the Ship-It store, then started on my way to Marathon for my bookkeeping tutor session. Before I left Big Pine she texted me that she was pretty busy today, so I decided to turn around and go home. 

I tried to do some bookkeeping work at home but got stuck right away. Then I tried to print receipts but had problems with both printers. Next I tried to set up Rosetta Stone on my computer but that wouldn't work either. So I finished an algebra lesson and then started a Spanish lesson. I was halfway through when TJ dropped off Angelica and the kids so we visited for a while and I cleaned up the kitchen. 

The big kids stopped in to eat and change before heading to their gig at Lucy's in Key West. I watched the kids a little while longer so Angelica could get some stuff done at home.

Later, I stopped at Winn Dixie for frozen pizzas and went to Kim's house to weave. I wove two more dish towels. I'm getting close to the end of the warp. 

Anyways, I came home and finished the Spanish lesson. I was pretty tired so I went to bed earlier (now- 11:15). 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017

I had planned to have an ordinary school day today but Kim asked me for help at the studio so I abandoned school. She ran into problems with some tangles and issues near the end of the warp and we worked till about 2 o'clock but things are all straightened out.

Garrett was babysitting for Kim and I Picked him up. We stopped at Winn Dixie and I ran in for cucumbers, kale, and spinach. When we got home the new juicer was here, but when Garrett and I tried to put it together we could not get the first piece to click into place. I didn't want to force it and break it, so we used the old juicer. The older boys got here and quickly got ready for Sloppy Joes and left. I had my fiddle lesson and it was fun. 

After that I went over some algebra with Tommy. I gave him a break and made white bean soup  and salad for supper. Tommy and I were the only ones here to eat it. I finished the algebra lesson and the band got home. I put the leftover soup away and went to bed after collecting all Charlie's electronics. He slept till 2:30 this afternoon when I got back from Kim's. He left with the band and they dropped him off at swimming. He doesn't get home till 11 because Tom leaves Sloppy's to pick him up and then goes back to Sloppy's.

Almost forgot, Joe had a seizure last night at their apartment, just sitting on Kurt's bed. Don't know what triggered it. :0(

Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13, 2017


I made myself go walking this morning. I didn't really want to, even though I enjoy being outside. I just had too many things to do. When I got back I woke up Charlie for his fiddle lesson. He and I take lessons on Skype. I did algebra while he had his lesson.

Next,  I had Charlie work on coloring his drawing for his art class. He had to get as much done as he could before art class because the rest of the day was busy. While he had his online art class I practiced fiddle. After art the band dropped him off at swimming on their way to Sloppy Joes.  Deb picked me up, then Mikki, and we went to Sloppy Joes. We had a good time. We haven't been to a show in a while. 

When I got home at 11 I corrected an algebra lesson with Tommy and we went over the next lesson while Charlie finished coloring on his art project and I handed it in.