Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017


I woke up to Tommy's alarm from the other side of the house that wakes up only me, so I got up and woke him up for work at church. He needs some kind of mallet that hits him on the head when the alarm goes off.

So I had my alone time this morning and then woke up everyone else for church. We picked up Joe on our way. After church I wound 3 bobbins in Kim's studio for the next time I get to weave at her house. We came home, Tom took charlie to a friend's house and I got ready to go to the beach with Grandpa Bob and Helen. They picked me up and off we went. It was a beautiful day. Lots of people at the beach but not many people in the water. The water temp is in the 70's. Brrrr.  Came home and scrambled to get ready for church. I showered and was ready in 10 minutes. 

We went to church for our graduation ceremony. Tom, Tj, Ed, Joe, Ben, and I graduated with our Associates degree in Biblical studies, along with 17 others. Woo hoo!!! We had supper at church. The boys went to the park to play hockey. Tommy went with me to pick up charlie from his friend's. Then I listened to another lecture before going to bed. 

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