Friday, March 17, 2017

March 17, 2017


I started my day with an errand to the Ship-It store, then started on my way to Marathon for my bookkeeping tutor session. Before I left Big Pine she texted me that she was pretty busy today, so I decided to turn around and go home. 

I tried to do some bookkeeping work at home but got stuck right away. Then I tried to print receipts but had problems with both printers. Next I tried to set up Rosetta Stone on my computer but that wouldn't work either. So I finished an algebra lesson and then started a Spanish lesson. I was halfway through when TJ dropped off Angelica and the kids so we visited for a while and I cleaned up the kitchen. 

The big kids stopped in to eat and change before heading to their gig at Lucy's in Key West. I watched the kids a little while longer so Angelica could get some stuff done at home.

Later, I stopped at Winn Dixie for frozen pizzas and went to Kim's house to weave. I wove two more dish towels. I'm getting close to the end of the warp. 

Anyways, I came home and finished the Spanish lesson. I was pretty tired so I went to bed earlier (now- 11:15). 

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