Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21, 2017


I picked up Joe this morning so he could go on an adventure with Tom and some of the other boys. They took the trailer and went to pick up a baby grand piano that some very kind people gave to us. That kept them busy for most of the day, and then they went to Schooner Wharf. While they were doing that, Clementine, Kurt, and his guests went to the beach, and I went to TJ's to help them move out of the house and into their RV. Things went well and after a few hours I brought the 3 older kids to my house so TJ and Angelica could keep working. I practiced fiddle with Charlie and we did some schoolwork. 

Oh, Tommy also went to a music workshop at church from about 11-2. 

I finished my algebra lesson and listened to a lecture. Then I corrected Tommy's algebra and we went over the mistakes. I did laundry and dishes and watered the plants downstairs. I read to Charlie and went to bed.

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