Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13, 2017


I made myself go walking this morning. I didn't really want to, even though I enjoy being outside. I just had too many things to do. When I got back I woke up Charlie for his fiddle lesson. He and I take lessons on Skype. I did algebra while he had his lesson.

Next,  I had Charlie work on coloring his drawing for his art class. He had to get as much done as he could before art class because the rest of the day was busy. While he had his online art class I practiced fiddle. After art the band dropped him off at swimming on their way to Sloppy Joes.  Deb picked me up, then Mikki, and we went to Sloppy Joes. We had a good time. We haven't been to a show in a while. 

When I got home at 11 I corrected an algebra lesson with Tommy and we went over the next lesson while Charlie finished coloring on his art project and I handed it in. 

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