Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March 14, 2017

I had planned to have an ordinary school day today but Kim asked me for help at the studio so I abandoned school. She ran into problems with some tangles and issues near the end of the warp and we worked till about 2 o'clock but things are all straightened out.

Garrett was babysitting for Kim and I Picked him up. We stopped at Winn Dixie and I ran in for cucumbers, kale, and spinach. When we got home the new juicer was here, but when Garrett and I tried to put it together we could not get the first piece to click into place. I didn't want to force it and break it, so we used the old juicer. The older boys got here and quickly got ready for Sloppy Joes and left. I had my fiddle lesson and it was fun. 

After that I went over some algebra with Tommy. I gave him a break and made white bean soup  and salad for supper. Tommy and I were the only ones here to eat it. I finished the algebra lesson and the band got home. I put the leftover soup away and went to bed after collecting all Charlie's electronics. He slept till 2:30 this afternoon when I got back from Kim's. He left with the band and they dropped him off at swimming. He doesn't get home till 11 because Tom leaves Sloppy's to pick him up and then goes back to Sloppy's.

Almost forgot, Joe had a seizure last night at their apartment, just sitting on Kurt's bed. Don't know what triggered it. :0(

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