Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 24, 2017


I woke up before 6 :0( There's no reason for that. I went walking, then went over to Kim's. We hemmed three layers of a dress. When I went to leave one of the doors to the van was open. Weird. I never even opened it as it was on the other side. So strange. 

When I got home I had to drive back to Kim's because I forgot some paperwork. I did algebra with Tommy and then Kim came over with the boys. We hung out upstairs, and then downstairs. I made a salad with blueberries and quinoa and then we went to church, just Charlie and me. I listened to the Bible study from Kim's studio where I got out my spinning wheel and started spinning. It was so relaxing. 

After church Charlie and I got some groceries, half of what I normally get. It started raining when we came out of the store and was raining pretty hard when we got home, so we had to carry it all up the stairs in the rain. I put things away and then just sat in a kitchen chair doing nothing. I wanted to do more math, and Spanish, but did nothing. I get like that sometimes, after go, go, going for a few days I don't want to do anything, even my knitting. Then Stacey called and brought me out of my stupor. I got ready for bed and had Tommy empty the dishwasher. I'm not reading to Charlie tonight. Too tired. 

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