Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31, 2017


I dropped Tommy off at Kim's house to babysit and Charlie and I went to the studio. Kim met us there and she got me started slaying the reed on the loom. Kim left with Charlie to pick up Stevie from school. When I finished I went back to Kim's and picked up Tommy. I came home, ate lunch, and put supper in the crockpot. Then I went back to Kim's, picked up Charlie, and went for a swim at Deb's house. Afterwards we sat out on the dock and dried off. It was so pretty and quiet. 

I dropped Charlie off at Kim's again on my way home. I did a little paperwork, ate supper, and went to church. When we got home I did dishes, then took a quick drive to pick up some coffee over at Bob's. Came home and read to Charlie. 

He found his phone that's been lost for a long time. I had taken it away months ago and couldn't remember where I put it. It was taken off the plan just a couple of weeks ago, and he can't remember the password. 

The band is back in Nashville. They looked  at a house to rent today. Ed says they liked it. 

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