Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26, 2017


This morning I went to the bank, picked up Kim, and went to the studio. I wound the warp for my next batch of dish towels while Kim cleaned up the studio. After that we stopped at Tom Thumb to say hi to Bobby. Then I took Kim home and went home.

I worked on paperwork which came to a screeching halt when I couldn't find some of the papers I needed. After searching everywhere I texted Terri M. and she saved me. She's going to email them to me. She's the best!

I took Tommy to work at church. Bobby, Lynn, and I were supposed to go out on Mikki and Randy's boat but the boat didn't want to go, so we didn't. We ended up going to Kiki's Sand Bar for supper instead. Garrett took Charlie to Boy Scouts and picked him up. 

When I got home I listened to a book and knit for awhile. Tommy did his last exam, science. The school year is over!

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