Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 25, 2017


My morning was slow. I had no energy. Tommy and I went over more algebra, our last study session till he takes his final exam tonight. I picked up the living room and mopped the kitchen and living room. I try to clean on the days I teach so the house isn't a mess. I did dishes and practiced my fiddle, made juice and then took Charlie to swimming. It's a long drive, 45 minutes to get there. I sat and knit again. It was very hot and muggy. I think it was 87 and felt like 100, but that is to be expected here. It didn't rain today but the skies were light gray most of the day.

After swimming I dropped Charlie off at Bob's, then hurried home to teach 2 piano lessons. I have a new student. :0) Then Tommy got home from youth group. He gave the message tonight. Anyways, he took his algebra final. It took about two hours and he handed it in. So many tricky problems. We've worked hard and I hope he does well. 

I had no time for bookkeeping today. I must get some done tomorrow. 

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