Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 1, 2017


I went to Dean's and picked up Ed's mandolin that he is selling and took it to the Ship-it store. Then went to the bank, the Shell station for ice, and then to Kim's to dye yarn. But I had to go back to the Ship-it store and make sure the mando had insurance, and Kim needed carrots to make supper so I went to Winn Dixie and bought some. Then I went back to Kim's house and we had fun dyeing. 

I went home, listened to a lecture, and made supper. I took Charlie to swimming and knit while I waited. On the way home I called Tommy and told him to put dinner in the oven. He did it about 20-30 min after I told him so it wasn't ready by 7 when I wanted to eat. I made BBQ tofu and we ate that while the vegetables finished roasting in the oven. 

Charlie and I took a plate of food over to Bob's house and I ate with him there. We played with the cat a little and went home. I knit for an hour while watching "Downtown Abbey." I did dishes, read to Charlie, and went to bed. 

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