Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 13, 2017


Yesterday and today I got up at 7, woke up tommy and Charlie and we left at 8 for VBS. Tommy is working and he needed to be there early. I stayed the whole time and wove dish towels in Kim's studio. When it ended we went home and ate lunch. 

On Monday afternoon I took Charlie to swimming and Tommy babysat at Kim's. I sat in the car and did a lecture while Charlie was swimming. Afterwards we went to Mikki and Randy's for yummy meatloaf and potatoes. We also watched the race from Sunday. 

On Tuesday after VBS I made supper in the crockpot and then took Charlie to swimming. I got another lecture done. Bobby came over for supper. The boys watched tv and played games and I did a Spanish lesson. I have 20 lessons left. They are each 1 1/2 hours long. I don't know if I'll finish it. I don't have time to study. I'm going to keep doing it though and see how far I get. I'm trying to practice fiddle too and didn't practice yesterday or today.

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