Thursday, August 3, 2017

August 3, 2017


I didn't sleep well and had a hard time getting up this morning, so I didn't go walking. I met Kim at the studio at 11:30 AM and she got me started threading the reed. It took me two hours. The colors are so pretty. I'm excited and nervous. I don't know how the towels will look until I start weaving. 

My piano student cancelled and that gave me time for bookkeeping. I did that for an hour and then took Charlie to swimming. Charlie listened to music on the way there and on the way back we listened to Tom Sawyer. While he had swim practice I sat in the heat and listened to a lecture and then knit.

I decided Thursdays are now pizza night. I think I'll make pizzas like I used to in the old days but today I picked it up on our way home from swimming. Bobby came over and ate a lot. I didn't count how many pieces but it was a lot. :0) Kim was going to come too but her kids were melting down so she decided not to. 

I did more bookkeeping and took care of the kitchen. I also cleaned the boys bathroom. No one has been cleaning it. I will have to do the tub another day though. 

I called the electric company about a week ago. There's a palm tree branch resting on the wires from the road to the house. It's weighing them down. If it gets too windy...I hope we don't lose power. Last year we lost power for about 12 hours and it was unbearable with no AC. Soooo, I just hope it's taken care of before there's a problem. I also need to hook up a battery charger to Tom's black van. It's dead. I've never done it before. Do you think YouTube will help me?


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