Saturday, August 5, 2017

August 5, 2017


I had a hard time deciding what to do today. I had a lot of things on my list. First, I stopped at Artists in Paradise and dropped off a stand for my flyer. Then I went to the studio and threaded heddles for two hours. I have about 15 minutes left to go on that job, then I will need Kim's help to wind the warp onto the back beam and then I can start weaving. 

I came home and made juice for lunch and did two lectures. I'm a little behind and trying to catch up. The electric company finally came and cut the branches out of the wires. It's the only tree I have in my yard. I kind of like it. 

I made baked potatoes and a mega veggie pasta salad for supper. Bobby came over for a little while. While I was doing studying my Spanish Fran stopped in and helped me hook up the trickle charger to the battery in he black van. Then I took my knitting and sat downstairs on the hammock chair for a while. I watered the plants on the porch. When I came in I did dishes and then knit a little more before going to bed. I wanted to practice fiddle but didn't. I have to fill out some paperwork for Tom too. I have to do it tomorrow. And my bookkeeping wasn't finished so I need to get back to that before I forget what I was doing. 

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