Sunday, August 6, 2017

August 6, 2017


We went to church this morning. When we got home the battery on the van was fully charged so Jonathan took the charger off and the van started!! We were going to move it but I noticed that the rear driver's side tire looked flat. Turns out it was blown.  Garrett and Jonathan got the spare tire out but it's bad too. We are going to try the GMC spare tomorrow. Garrett cut a bunch of coconuts out of the tree.

The day sped by. Bobby stopped in after work and then he took Charlie to Boy Scouts. I picked him up and we both went to my class. We stopped at Winn Dixie on the way home for bread and milk. I sat around chatting with Jonathan for the rest of the evening. I had planned on practicing fiddle, and/or doing a lecture, or knitting, but didn't get to any of them. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. 

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