Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1, 2017


I got to bed too late last night, woke up at 7, and just laid in bed till 9. Not happy about that but I hope it doesn't happen again tomorrow. I talked with our neighbor, Rita, for a few minutes about mowing our lawns. Tommy is going to do it. I just need our mower back from Doug. I woke up Tommy and Charlie about 10:30 and made our oatmeal. Charlie eats his uncooked with cranberries and pomegranate juice. Tommy likes his cooked with dried apples and cinnamon and a little brown sugar. I eat mine uncooked with almond milk and strawberries and/or blueberries. 

We packed up our fiddles and a guitar and went to Kim's house and played for about 45 minutes. Then she had to leave to pick up Stevie from school so we left too. We dropped off a package for Ed at the UPS store and then stopped at Tom Thumb to see Bobby. When we got home I did a math lesson with Charlie and I had Tommy start going over some of the math problems he missed on his algebra final. (He got a 91 by the way). Charlie tried sneaking the calculator so I ripped his math page out and made him start over. He was half done. I'll teach him cheating doesn't pay! After that he finished reading "The Black Stallion" and wrote a paragraph about the last chapter. 

We ate a late lunch and went over to the church. Tommy helped set up for youth group and I worked in the studio. I'm almost all set up to start weaving. So exciting! When the junior high kids were done I took Charlie and dropped him off to hang with Bobby. Charlie was upset because they were playing a game like musical chairs, but with hitting each other with foam noodles. He said he hit a boy on the wrist and that he was hurt and paramedics had been called. He was really upset and didn't know what was going on. He ended up being fine, just a little sore. Any ways,  I hurried home and got there just before my student to teach a piano lesson. Did that and then bookkeeping. I made a spinach quinoa salad for supper, listened to a lecture, the boys came home, I did dishes, read to Charlie, and we hit the hay, too late again, after midnight, and no one took the garbage out. :0/

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