Thursday, December 14, 2017

December 14, 2017


Charlie and I had fiddle lessons this morning. I didn't practice once all week. :0( Charlie did though. 

The boys did school and I cleaned the porch and went through all my plants. I had put a Christmas cactus on the table downstairs and the deer ate most of it. I should have known better. 

When Garrett got home he and Tommy took the bunk beds apart in their room and I cleaned and changed the bedding. I washed the floor. Tom fixed and painted the ceilings where we had water damage in both the boys' rooms and in the living room. He also put up the new bamboo blinds in our bedroom. He didn't like doing that though. The blinds that is. 

My mom and my cousin Eric got here after dark. They were delayed four hours in traffic from an accident on US 1.

We visited for a while, then ordered take-out from Bucktooth Rooster. 

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