Thursday, December 7, 2017

December 7, 2017


My birthday was Tuesday. I shouldn't have let it happen, but somehow I ended up doing dreaded paperwork that had been piling up on the kitchen table. The worst thing was many health insurance envelopes. If this, do that. Send this form. Deadlines. So confusing. Do we have this, or that? I thought we had this. I don't understand. And I was trying to do school. Charlie needed a ride to swimming. Tom was roofing. I had a Christmas party to go to and needed to bring a dish to share, so I had to go to the store to buy ingredients, and then make it, which I did. Kim said she'd go to the party with me, and Doug decided to be our driver. Tom took Charlie to swimming and we went to the party. But I thought it was at Artists in Paradise and it wasn't. We got there and there was just one girl there getting ready to close the shop. She made a few texts and found out where the party was. It was  a half hour away and we didn't feel like going that far. Instead we went to Bucktooth Rooster and had my birthday dinner. Tom wasn't back from swimming with Charlie yet so we ordered take out for him and met him at Kim's later. We hung out for a while. It ended up being a nice evening. Rob stopped by our house with gifts but we weren't home. Sad about that. Sorry Rob. 

Wednesday I tutored algebra and we did school. I moved some furniture around in the living room and put the tree up. I need to get rid of some stuff. We have no room. I couldn't find the Christmas tree lights. Either I threw them away last year because half of them didn't work, or Irma took them into the mangroves. That's where the tree I bought last year went. 

Charlie and I took a short walk. Some guy let his dogs run out into the road at us. Not fun. One was huge like a St. Bernard. Then we went to church for supper and Bible Study. On the way home we stopped at CVS and I bought new lights for the tree.  Tommy and I did algebra for a while. We were getting confused again, triangles, sines. cosines, and tangents. And one rate/time/distance problem. Poor me. 

Today, Thursday, school. And fiddle lessons. Skype chose to not work today and we had to do our lessons with FaceTime on my phone. I messed with it afterwards and I think it will work next week. Grrrrr.  I put the lights on the tree and called the guy who signed us up for our health insurance for help. I think we figured out a few things. They were sending me mail for things we already did, and the kids were signed up for Blue Cross with us, but first they have to be turned down for Medicaid, and then they would be added to our plan. We don't want Medicaid. No one down here takes it. 

I took Charlie to swimming. Then dropped him at youth group. Came home and made a frozen pizza.  I had salad already made in the fridge but we didn't eat it. I did math till I was falling asleep. But of course getting ready for bed cured me of my drowsiness. I had Tommy take out the garbage cans and empty the dishwasher. Charlie took some cardboard downstairs for the recyclable bin and then did his math homework. I loaded the dishwasher and took down two more bags of garbage. And then I finally went to bed (and wrote this).

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