Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15, 2017


This morning my cousin, Eric, and I went for short walk. I showed him some of the damage. Susan's house has been demolished; it's gone. I hope they get a FEMA trailer soon. They are staying in a friend's house but they will be coming back in January. 

I did school with Charlie for most of the day. I did a little algebra, dropped Tommy off at church to work for the movie night, and then went to Winn Dixie. I made supper while putting the groceries away. We had chicken and biscuits and gravy. I made brownies later too. We watched a few Carol Burnett skits on YouTube. 

I did a math test with Tommy, and then we finished a lesson. I did dishes. 

I think Tom and Eric got a lot of work done downstairs. I didn't take a peek to see but they might have the sliding glass door in. I think tomorrow he might put up some paneling. Cross your fingers. 

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