Saturday, December 9, 2017

December 9, 2017


Yesterday (Friday)  we had our kid's fiddle jam at the church. On our way home we stopped at Artists in Paradise so I could put labels on my towels. Then I took Tommy and Charlie to Coco's for lunch.  Tom and John roofed all week and finished today. To celebrate that and my birthday we went out with John and Rita to Home Depot and the Hurricane. Roberto's band was playing. We had wings and pizza. When Tom was paying for our food a man asked me to dance. It was sweet but funny. I haven't danced in 30 years. 

Also, the band boys ran into a snow storm driving to their Atlanta gig. It was cancelled and they were blessed to get a hotel room and stay off the road for the night. They took some pics and made some fun videos. 

(Saturday) We were on our way out for breakfast this morning when we remembered that there was a give-away of free furniture at the old prison. So we went by to check it out. It was all from time shares or condos somewhere. It had all been unloaded outside and as we walked over to the furniture it started pouring. We ran back to the minivan but then decided to go look at stuff in the rain, since we were already wet. They were trying to cover everything with tarps. We ended up getting four rattan chairs, a matching couch, and four chairs for the kitchen table. We were soaked. Tom made two trips and John went with him on the second trip. 

We changed to dry clothes and went out for breakfast at Coco's with John. Charlie went to a friend's house all day. I started cleaning Charlie's room and closet. At 3 o'clock Tommy and I went to Kim's. Kim and I set up a new bin and screen for ice dying and we dyed the next batch of yarn. I came back home and worked till 8 PM in Charlie's room while also doing laundry. Tom started to fix the ceiling in Tommy's room. I ended up with two bags of garbage and one big bin for Ed and Ben to take to Nashville. They never moved all their stuff out. 

Tom watched hockey and I put decorations on the tree. I did a few rows of knitting before going to bed. 

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