Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 12, 2016


It is so hard to find the time to write lately. All I want is to slow down and get things in order but it's not happening. I've been trying to get the bookkeeping done. I've met with our accountant's secretary a few times and she's been teaching me Quickbooks. I'm learning a lot and getting better, but I can't find time to sweep the floors, or fold laundry. There was no time to get the dishes done tonight, nor to look over Tommy's homework. He always forgets to do something. No time to practice fiddle. Charlie and I have lessons tomorrow. .

I stayed up till 4:30 AM on the laptop. All the statements are entered and I was cleaning things up, getting rid of question marks. 

My leg is still not right. It bothers me here and there. My skin feels tight. Maybe that means it's swollen. I did go walking today but just 2 1/2 miles. I only went twice last week.

I guess I should go to sleep. Tommy's first class is at 8. 

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