Thursday, September 1, 2016

August 26, 2016


I had Ben put up a curtain rod in Tommy and Charlie's room and then we put up the curtain. Ben also put up a bracket in Tommy's room to hang his guitar on the wall. Garrett went with me to the hardware store and we bought a part I needed to hang a fun kind of swing thing downstairs for the grandkids and Charlie. We also stopped at the post office and mailed books to Stacey. When we got home Garrett put up the swing thing.

I took Charlie to swimming and it started raining hard before it was over. Then there was lightning, swimming was over, and I was soaking wet. I dropped Charlie off at Bobby's and went to TJ's to bbsit. Mikki watched them for me for the first 1 1/2 hours, while I had Charlie at swimming, and then I took over. 

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