Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 27, 2016


I took Charlie to the kid fiddle jam this morning. Garrett went to Bbsit grandkids and I picked up Joe to play bass. I played fiddle most of the time. That was a first for me. 

Afterwards I took Joe home, dropped Charlie off at home, and Garrett and I went on some errands. We got gas. I had $1.80 off a gallon. Then we went to the bank. We stopped and got a sub and then Kurt called needing a ride from Dick's shop. His car was having issues so he had taken it there. We picked him up and Garrett drove home. 

I did school with Charlie and I was surprised that we got so much done with our late start. I helped Garrett a little with his homework and then dropped Charlie at church for his ride to swimming. When I got home I listened to two of Tommy's Spanish classes and took notes. That was three hours. Tommy is being a big baby about the class. Tomorrow is the 8th class so I am going to try to catch up so I can help him to get his feet firmly on the ground.

Now it was about 9 o'clock and Tommy was whining about his history quiz that he needed to take before midnight. So I went over questions from his textbook with him and took notes. He fights me about taking notes and doesn't do it. Grrr!!! Then he took the quiz and did fine. Big baby. 

I tried to practice fiddle about 10:45 but decided to call it quits and go to bed instead.

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