Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28, 2016


I woke up with a headache but medicine and ice on my head made it go away. I went walking a little late and it was SO hot, but the sun was shining and I was glad after yesterday's dreary day.

We did school all day. Charlie was a punk but I made him keep working. While he did his online art class I watched Tommy's 3rd Spanish class. He had his 8th class today. He was complaining about a test coming up and how much he hates the class so I decided to watch the classes and decide for myself. The class is great. Tommy complained about the textbook. It is fine. The teacher is doing a great job. I have to take notes and she moves quickly. You cannot be a slackerd. So Tommy is trying to be a slackerd and I have notes so I will drill him and make him learn! I've told him to take notes and he won't. Maybe I'll make him copy mine. :0) Each class is 1 1/2 hours and I have to catch up. I want to quiz Tommy everyday too. Wish me luck. 

Kurt was supposed to take Joe for blood work this week too, and they weren't trying to get that done so I had to get on their cases too. While doing all this I also made split pea soup for supper.

Bob needed the battery charger for his car and when I went to pick up Joe from church I forgot it. Charlie's friend was over just before we left and dropped a jar of homemade raspberry jam on the floor and it broke. I had to clean it up and was now running late, and that's what made me forget it. But when I got to Joe's he said the charger was in their laundry room. We checked and it was there.

We went to church and on the way home Charlie and I got groceries. Garrett and Tommy helped us carry it up the stairs, and then I had to put it away. :0( It's so hard to strategically locate the produce in the fridge. It is packed in there. 

Charlie finished 3 drawings for his art class and I handed them in. I was too tired and it was late so I didn't take care of the dishes. I just went to bed.

1 comment:

  1. As a former classroom teacher for thirty-five years, I know how difficult it is to get kids motivated for that kind of learning, I taught my own son for two years in the classroom! 😊 Kids can be a challenge , sounds like you're doing a wonderful job!
