Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5, 2016


I slept in today and then walked a little over two miles. I didn't want my leg to start hurting. Hopefully tomorrow I'll do a little over three.

I spent a lot of time picking up today. I folded laundry and got Garrett to clean the kids' bathroom. I also went over Garrett's homework with him. Then I made two pans of a yummy peanut butter-chocolate-rice Krispy-marshmallow dessert that TJ asked for for his birthday. 

The band left for Sloppy Joes with Randy and Mikki. Charlie, Tommy, and I stayed home. Today was Bob's birthday and I invited him over for supper. Dahlia and Maya came too and we had a little birthday celebration. Then we took care of some school stuff. 

I did dishes. The band came home. I read to Charlie, and we went to bed. Tomorrow is our first day of school. Yippee!!

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