Saturday, September 3, 2016

September 3, 2016


The last week has been very busy. I haven't gone walking at all because of my hurt leg but I hope to start again on Monday. I drove Charlie to swimming a lot and took Joe to a doctor appointment. One day I drove to Marathon and met with the accountant's secretary. She helped me tremendously. Then I visited my friend Dahlia.

Also, this past week a storm was brewing over and around Florida. We were very lucky and it stayed away from us, although there was flooding in Key West. The sky here was gray for a week, which is very unusual in these parts. It's been pretty hot too, like the heat index is 104 every day. 

Twice last week I invited Bob and Joe over for supper. We had Buffalo cauliflower one night and vegetable shish kabobs the second night. I also made baked pears one night, and the next night we had chocolate cake. 

Publix wanted $374 dollars for Joe's prescription. In the past it was just under $50. I went online and found it at Walgreens with a coupon for just under $40. That whole thing took me all day, calling the Doctor and asking her to phone the prescription in to Walgreens, etc., and waiting for people to call me back. I'm glad to be done with that. 

We are starting school on Tuesday and I think I finally have everything ready. Ed, Ben, and Kurt went to Nashville to meet with songwriters.They were supposed to come home on Friday but stayed an extra day to avoid driving in the storm. They were gone a week and got back late tonight. The AC broke on Ed's van and they were really bummed because Ed had just gotten it fixed the day before the trip.

I went with Mikki and Randy one day to Home Depot and Sears. Charlie went with me and I got him new sneakers. I bought potting soil, mulch, and three plants. 

I've been doing bookkeeping every day, trying to practice fiddle, and today I transplanted a few plants and cleaned up the porch. I just need it to cool down so I can sit out there. I also went to the post office and Kim stopped in for a visit. This morning I was woken up by some loud noises outside. I thought someone we running up and down the stairs. I looked out the window and it was several deer bashing into our garbage cans. A lid was bunjied on and they got it off and then we're fighting over the garbage. 

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