Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17, 2016


This morning Charlie and I went to the beach. I had a hard time deciding whether or not to go. The weather was perfect, and we hadn't gone in months, so we went. 

A ton of seaweed had washed up on the beach so it wasn't very pretty, but it was fun watching the many birds. We read but neither one of us went in the water. We stayed about two hours and came home. I showered and TJ dropped off the three older kids. I folded laundry, lots of laundry. Violet hurt her hand. It looks like she might have burned the tips of her fingers. All I could figure was that Charlie made eggs and she must have reached up and touched the glass stovetop. She was on a chair at the kitchen sink, and could have pushed it to the stove, but it was still at the sink when I went back in the kitchen. I made her a washcloth with ice and a rubber band. She loved holding that and sucking on it. 

When I was done folding laundry we went down stairs and the kids played on the swing. Then TJ came to pick them up.

I tried to get Garrett to finish his homework but all he did was put it off. Tommy had so much homework the last three days it was crazy. It's taking a lot of time, checking their work and going over writing assignments. Tommy went to work at church, and Clementine traded me a loaf of banana bread for a jar of my raspberry jam. 

I made pizza dough and a Hawaiian pizza with pineapple, peppers, onions, mushrooms, and jalapeƱos. No cheese or meat. Then I taught Tommy and Jonathan how to make chocolate chip cookies. I did dishes, vacuumed the kitchen floor, and washed it. 

The big kids came back from Sunset Pier but Ed went to the studio to write and Ben went to a friend's house. They both aren't home yet and it's 2 AM. 

I hope I can get to walking next week and get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier. I've got a lot to do. 

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