Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017


I took Tommy and Charlie to Kim's at 7:30 this morning. Tommy watched Reed while Kim and I took Stevie to school. Then we went for breakfast at Mangrove  Mama's. We picked Stevie up from school, then picked up the other boys and went to the studio. We finished threading the heddles and started to wind the warp onto the back beam. When we got home I watered my plants on the porch and the ones downstairs.

I took Charlie to swim practice and Tommy went to Bobby's house. It was pretty humid today. The feel like temperature was 108°. I made a quick supper for Charlie and I and then I did a Spanish lesson. We watched an hour of Kidnapped since we finished the book yesterday. There was lots of lightning tonight. Maybe it will finally rain.

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